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Simon BERNSTEIN, well advanced forty, was on the point of penetrating under the heats covers of the bed IN which Kylie awaited it. - do not be timid Simon! The young woman fell while launching a languorous glance to him - I arrive my beauty! He retorted by devouring it of the eyes. He took off his dressing gown, discovering a flask body with the belly replet. Hairs covered its chest partially, extended on its shoulders to go to finish their race in his back. Kylie felt the thighs of Simon to be stuck against his and the bitter odor of its sweat irritated the nose to him while it started to cherish it. It plastered its saliva discreetly then posed its hand on the sex of her companion and started a movement of comings and goings until it feels blood to flow into the penis of Simon. The mouth of the young woman half-opened on small white teeth and embraced the hairy chest of the man. They made a roulade and it was found on it. Their mouths approached, letting their language intermingle while it penetrated it with brutality. Kylie pushed a cry of pleasure and let slip its nails painted along the thighs of his/her lover, printing long red scratches on its skin. Of a new blow of kidney, it made it still enjoy and shout more extremely. - you like that... - yes... it groans - you will see my beautiful.... One will kiss like that tous.les.jours, I would offer jewels... of the money to you and... of... The voice of Simon weakens suddenly. It emitted a small cry. A fulgurating pain crossed the back to him. It raised the head and considered with fear the face angelica of Kylie without including/understanding what arrived to him. Blood ran out along its coasts, being spread little by little under its belly. It opened the mouth and in vain tried to emit a sound then its body fell down brutally on that of the young woman. Suffocating under the weight of the man who still breathed, his sex always inserted in its extreme flesh, Kylie tried to emerge while being contorsionnant vigorously. Lastly, the body of Simon rocked on the ground with crash. Kylie was raised, took again its breathing then knelt near him. - you have some in it! Esclaffa it by compressing its penis shining and heat the eyes of Simon, large open on a deaf terror, expressed an insurmountable pain. Simon successful to find the force to groan like a child. - calms my pretty, I did not finish any yet with you! It leaned and recovered the knife which it had used to wound mortally her lover then, without the least hesitation, divided of a dry blow the auricular one of the left hand of Simon. It tore off its ring to him and threw the knife further. - open the mouth me tesoro (my treasure)! It whispered while violently drawing on the chin from Simon who ends up yielding. It charged to him the piece of finger in the mouth and closed again it of only one blow, making entrechoquer the teeth of being mourrant. It rose then and went to seek a black satchel that Simon had deposited on a piece of furniture. It engaged the jewel in a slit which unbolted the lock of the satchel. Kylie left a bundle there paper. - already money, the jewels, the lovers... it I have missed I only your Stronzo place (stunned)! It murmured by coldly considering the man who failed on the fitted carpet. A smile took shape on the lips of the young woman who was held now in front of him, naked, the mackled belly of blood.

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