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Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone
(J K Rowling)

 ''Harry Potter and The Philosopher''s Stone'' is the first in the series of the books about the world most famous wizard Harry Potter''. Written by ''J.K Rowling'' this book introduced the world to the magical world of Harry and his friends. It is an unforgettable masterpiece and a must read for children.   Harry Potter is an orphan living a miserable life in the bedroom under the staircase of his aunt Petunia''s beautiful house. On Harry''s 11 th birthday, something incredible happens. Someone sends Harry a letter containing admission to ''Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardy''. The news is not broken to Harry as his uncle does not like magic and is infact scared at the sound of the word. However, a man called Hagrid (Keeper of Gates at Hogwarts) whom Harry never seen before comes to his rescue.   So, Harry joins ''Hogwarts Witch Craft and Wizardry'' where to his biggest suprise he learns that he is indeed a wizard born to world famous wizards. Harry also learns the shocking truth about the murder of his parents. His parents were murdered by an evil wizard called ''Voldemort''. Harry also learns that is he the only known survivor of an evil curse that ''Voldemort'' had used the day when his parents were killed. The curse had some how re-bounded on the evil man and since then he had lost his powers and fled. From then Harry came to be known as the ''Boy who survived''.  Harry makes friends with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Harry develops enimity with Draco Malfoy and a few of his friends who belong to a school group called Slytherin. He faces several adventures as he learns about magic and the magical world. Along with Ron and Hermione Harry investigates his way to save the ''Philospher''s Stone'' which has been shifted to Hogwarts castle for safe keeping. However, the adventure brings Harry face to face with the man who had tried to kill Harry at the age of one and because of whom Harry is a orphan. ''Lord Voldemort!''. Harry fights bravely and is saved in the last minute by the head master Dumbledore.Voldemort flees. The brave deeds of Harry and his friends helps his group Griffindor win the house cup. So, ends Harry''s first year in Hogwarts.

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- Harry Potter And The Half-blood Prince

- Harry Potter

- Harry Potter And The Philosoher's (sorcerer's) Stone

- Harry Potter And Sorcerer's Stone

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