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Trucchi Per Evitare Di Mangiare Troppo

Tips to Avoid Over Eating * Slow down, chew with purpose: Take at least 20 minutes to consume a meal. Taking longer to eat will make you feel as though you are eating more. Enjoy the conversation and companionship. * Eat only while sitting down: Much extra food in consumed on the run. Making it a point to sit down while eating will help you think about how much you are consuming. * Eat off smaller plates! * Drink a 12 ounce glass of water before eating: It will take up room in your stomach and make you feel less hungry. * Wait 10 minutes before snacking: Between meal snacks are usually impulsive acts. A wait before eating them will often make you realize you aren't hungry after all. * Keep the right stuff up front: Make such foods as fruit and vegetables readily available by keeping them in the front of the refrigerator shelves. note: always wash your hands before eating , prepare yourfood in a very good hygenic condition. wash all dishes after eating. talk less while eating.

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