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"oliver Twist" A Poor Boy

Olver a poor boy from a wratched family live a miserable life of trials
from different occurences. Oliver Twist as his name was called was
little boy sent to be a servant in an factory after the death of his
poor parents. Olver was given a slighest meal and twice a day that
could not even
feed a little boy of three talkless of a much more older child of about
five. Olver became hungry after he was given a very small meal that he
could not endure it any longer and he shouted out to the hearing of his
masters "I need some more" which prompted the attention of his master
Mr. Bumble which rush to the scene and sent oliver for sale. Oliver was
sold for 100 penny to a funeral merchant who uses Oliver
like a slave by feeding him with dog foods. On bearable for any longer
for the poor boy, he escaped during the early hours of the harsh winter
morning in serach for a better life in the city of London.Oliver
arrived the city of London when he met some pocket picking friends whom
later pushed oliver into joining them in their dirty bussiness of
picking pocket.Lastly, Oliver was redeemed of his sufferings
when the High Court in the city of London ruled in favour of the poor
child and jailed all the criminals whom hoard the poor little child and
used him for criminal activities.

Resumos Relacionados

- "oliver Twist" A Poor Boy

- Oliver Twist

- Oliver Twist

- Oliver Twist

- Oliver Twist, Or The Parish Boy's Progress

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