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(Adriana Guedes)

Through found archaeological vestiges of the man, perceived that the problems faced relative to the survival, defense and to become more lasting the species they were problems that respect said the explanations of proper itself.
Exactly act to embed the people answered questions on the life and the death, showed also the choice the best form of accepted action for one determined group, come later if to transform into ritual.
The man being able to choose, to judge and to think he started to search meanings for its behaviors, being thus then all the actions human beings are resulted of one attribution of meanings. The abstract (things that they are only in the idea) creates conditions concrete of life and survival and are remained until when they will be necessary.When if it creates new problems, appear new had elaborations as more adjusted for the faced difficulties. If on the other hand the cultures the ritualização tends, for another one can adapt it changes.Much time one thought that the cultures of illiterate societies (ILLITERATE) were less elaborated of that the ones that had developed the writing, therefore if certain societies had not developed the writing are because the interest did not despertou them, had to the life way that the same ones were inserted. The symbolic capacity e the standards are equally for all the cultures, or either are abstract (live in the ideas) and through them and that one had the answers for the understanding of problems of the world.
They are born cultures human beings through the knowledge: Archaeological studies had shown the necessity of man to know exactly on itself;
The reason of existence human being: Through human acts or of practised rituals;
The domain of man on the too much beings: Having the capacity to think, to judge and to choose, it differs the man from too much beings in relation the concrete necessities and of survival.
Society alfabetizadas illiterate people and societies: Independently of or not being alfabetizada, what it was of great value it was the mental capacity.

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