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Jorge d`Alcaravela presents

After some work, it is with enormous satisfaction that I can present to all my work… for all the ones that like Art, Traditions and Images. Jorge d `Alcaravela presents,… its Site,… Art, Tradition and Image… Alcaravela, Sardoal and Sintra/Massamá more than 450 Workmanships about 50 openings more than 150 photos (Lands) about 15 partnerships photographic news articles links of interest Site always in development e much more,… I ask for excuse for the opening slowness, motivated for the amount of images… it sails in… www.jorgedalcaravela.com it participates…, it comments… e, it is part of this projecto. since already, my gratefulness to all the partners… until always, Jorge d `Alcaravela

Resumos Relacionados

- Arte, Tradição E Imagem...

- Apresentação

- Weaving Embroiderings

- Tecelagem, Bordados E Cestaria

- Historial Do Rancho Folclórico Os Resineiros De Alcaravela

Passei.com.br | Biografias


