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Finance-20/julho/2006. Newspaper the State of Sao Paulo. The minister of Finance, Guido Mantega, affirmed yesterday that the cost of the credit in Brazil is not falling in the wanted rhythm. The one that is lowering is the interest rate, mainly because of the fall of Selic. The spread is not lowering in the proportion that would owe. Then it is a permanent concern. Spread is what the banks collect of the customers in the credit operations to cover administrative costs, I profit, risk and tributes. Mantega is driving at the request of president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the discussions with the public banks for the definition of measures that they take to the fall of the bank spread and, consequently, of the collected interests of the customers. Although the public banks already collect smaller interest rates than the private banks, they are still elevated of the point of view of the economical rationality, explicit. Mantega said that the taxes collected in the consigned credit could be smaller, considering the behavior of the inflation and the degree of safety of the return of the loan. The minister signaled that could have reduction of the interest rates of the loans granted with resources of the constitutional bottoms. President Lula has been pressing the official banks to lower the interests to induce the private institutions to follow the same movement. The government is shouting a work in the sense that the spread falls. The executive secretary of Treasury department, Bernard Appy, affirmed that I united effort of the official banks to reduce the spreads will not commit the good governance of the intuitions. It was very clear that any measured that those banks can take to contribute to reduce the spread has to be a measure that is fit in inside of the competitive strategy of the banks, and no a measure that is done to the detriment of the profitability or of the good operation of the institutions, he said.

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