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almamaque Brasil
(glens buffoko)

DAY OF THE WOMAN'S EQUALITY: - Brazil, 1561. Índia Madalena Caramuru writes to Nóbrega's priest Manuel. She asks that slave children, that they see each other separate from the captive parents, without they know God, without they speak our language and reduced to skeletons, they were treated with dignity. To know to read and to write was few men's privilege. Women were maintained in the absolute ignorance. Madalena was exception. Nóbrega, animated, it tried to create literacy opportunities for the Brazilians. She sent the request to the queen Catarina of Bragança. But the Portuguese metropolis refused the initiative, qualifying daring the project for the danger that could act. The Portuguese castaway Diogo Álvares Correia, married with the Indian tupinambá Moema Paraguaçu, He was the father of Madalena. The Indians, when seeing him leave the waters wet, agglutinated clothes to the body, called it of Caramuru (eel, fish-snake; anything to see with son of the thunder, poetic invention of the friar Santa Rita Durão). In 1526, the couple traveled to France. In Saint-Malo it received the Christian name of Catarina from Brazil. Of turn, they went to live at a town of Salvador, Bahia. In 1534, the daughter Madalena married with Afonso Rodrigues, Portuguese of Óbidos, responsible for his entrance in the world of the letters. For the Indians, the woman was companion and there was not reason for differences among sexes. Like this, Madalena entered for the History as first learned Brazilian woman.

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