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Fat and Excess of Weight: Causes
(alice martins)

Incorrect alimentary habits since infancy. The current society imposes definitive customs alimentary habits, to a large extent, of the excess of weight and the fat.
The fat and the excess of weight if must to the interaction between genetic and ambient factors (only one minimum number of cases if reports to other causes, as endócrinas illnesses, genetic syndromes, tumors, and others).
The work necessity, the lack of time, and for other reasons, the people are obliged to eat outside of house, rich feeding mainly in calories; The tobacco is another one of the factors that if detach in the society in relation to the weight excess. The weight increase occurs when the person leaves the habit, modifying its metabolism; Another excellent habit is the alcohol consumption; The energy supplied for the ingested foods, that start to be in excess, is, therefore, stored, favoring the weight increase. As much fat as excess of weight are factors that the evolution and prognostic of diverse illnesses, that must be taken in account, in the lost weight program intervine of significant form in. The knowledge of these and the respective medication will lead to act of different forms. Whenever the energy proceeding from the feeding is superior to that if it spends, the exceeding calories are stored in the fabric adiposo under the fat form. It can say that any type of food can get fat depending on the ingested amount. The bread, the potatoes, the leguminosas droughts as the grain and the beans, the rice and the mass are not the villains. They are foods that must enter in enough amount in the feeding, because they are rich in carbohydrates, that must contribute more than with 55% for the daily energy total. Already foods rich in fat, either of addition (margarina, oil, oil, creams, butter) or of constitution (the one that it is part of the foods), is easily carrying of calories extra that quickly are stored in the organism, increasing the corporal fat. Gravies fat people, would salsicharia and stuffed, cheeses, candies, some meats and fish, fritos, wafers, daily pay-prepared meals, big cookies, butter and margarina to dip in grease and to cook, are food examples that contribute to increase the value very caloric of a meal, for minor who it is.
The ingested alimentary fat, beyond ours (small) necessities of acid essential fat people, is stored of a very efficient form, that is, without great effort on the part of the organism. The foods and drinks many candies also are responsible for increasing very the value caloric of a meal, being able to stimulate the appetite and, therefore, to contribute for the weight profit. It is of utmost importance to learn to control the feeding to have good health. alice martins

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