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Flea Market Montgomery
(Sammy Stephens)

Flea Market Montgomery is a 75,000 square-foot flea market in Montgomery, Alabama which claims that it is "just like a mini-mall". It specializes in living rooms, bedrooms, and dinettes. It gained fame in early 2007 for the advertisements by owner Sammy Stephens and his subsequent appearances on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Stephens created a rap commercial that spread through the internet via YouTube, BoingBoing and similar sites. This video and related materials use the slogan, "It's Just Like A Mini Mall". Sammy appears in the advertisement, bouncing from side to side as he repeatedly asks the viewer to "make this a dance." Jason and Brad of The Mountain Music Morning Show on 96.5 The Mountain in Chattanooga, Tennessee discovered the commercial, and played it on their show on WDOD Radio, where it is getting more cult attention. From Wikipedia

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