the danger of global heating
1. The global heating real and is caused by the activity human
being In accordance with the Panel Intergovernamental de Mudanças Climáticas (PIMC), supported pe la ONU, the globe temperatures will be able to increase between 1,4° C and 5,8° C between 1990 and 2100. The increase of the temperatures, in turn, will be able to provoke other changes, also the increase of the level of the oceans, the amount and the standard of rains. Possible that these alterations increase the frequency and intensity of extreme meteorological events as floodings, droughts, waves of heat, hurricanes and is become. Other consequences include reductions in the agricultural production, reduction of glaciers, reduction of summer chains, extinguishing of a great number of species and the increase of transmitting organisms of illnesses. The activities human beings had become a detached source of ambient changes. Very urgent it is the consequences of the increasing abundance of gases of greenhouse in the atmosphere… As the greenhouse gases continue increasing, we are, in the reality, carrying through global a climatic experience, that was not planned nor is controlled, whose resulted they will be able to present challenges without precedents what we know and we foresee. They also will be able to have significant impact on our natural and social systems. One is about a problem of long stated period that requires a perspective of long stated period. Important decisions wait the current and future national and world-wide leaders. Escreva o seu resumo aqui.
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