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A Book
(An Author)

She sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
I Scream you Scream we all Scream for ice cream
She sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
I Scream you Scream we all Scream for ice cream
She sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
I Scream you Scream we all Scream for ice cream
She sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
I Scream you Scream we all Scream for ice cream
She sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
I Scream you Scream we all Scream for ice cream
She sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
I Scream you Scream we all Scream for ice cream
She sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
I Scream you Scream we all Scream for ice cream
She sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
I Scream you Scream we all Scream for ice cream
She sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
I Scream you Scream we all Scream for ice cream
She sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
I Scream you Scream we all Scream for ice cream
She sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
I Scream you Scream we all Scream for ice cream
She sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
I Scream you Scream we all Scream for ice cream
She sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
I Scream you Scream we all Scream for ice cream
She sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
I Scream you Scream we all Scream for ice cream
She sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
I Scream you Scream we all Scream for ice cream
She sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
I Scream you Scream we all Scream for ice cream
She sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
I Scream you Scream we all Scream for ice cream

Resumos Relacionados

- To Help You ; Poem

- A Love Poem

- ''''because Of My Stories''''

- Of Mice And Men

- The Brushpopper

Passei.com.br | Biografias


