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espelho da vida
(dorival l. assis)

Attention! This Poetry Is based on Real Facts, and Verses, Refretindo Images of: MIRROR OF VIDA Socios Mine, My Jail, This Cantos Far£o: To who to read to search I request them Who prisoner will be, it can Laugh is of favour In the ingenuous mind, Sound alive perhaps words and meigas Of a term the life has to tremble the images with the mirror of the life, has to change Front to the mirror, thinks Must die, Must the mirror quebar If perhaps break? Cadª my Laugh lagrimas would go to escape, Then! as I would go to recoup Images mine, Cacos of the Cacos life of the death, with certainty would go to bleed Then thinks, If bitter taste the Fel, However is candy the honey Images of the mirror of the life, I see to far, and felis my Socios way Mine, of My Jail, please gives attention Had shades in the past, black blackout Was long the sagrificio, your knee bent touched the soil and perhaps on leves of evangelho, your soul cried Nobody saw these tears (as much) To fall between leves saints, however images these the mirror of the life kept '''' Philosophy are this of choroso! '''' Dir¡s, does not have another one enters the men Not if they count smiles for the damages Nor of the sadnesses to unclasp joys Banal, I confess, the precious one and rare It is, either the cloudy sky that is clearly But that one in such a way lost the clarity of the eyes mine, Muddy the mind had Images, would not run away with as much brevity Adores, Amo'', Yearning, new Images, Images of my freedom '''' Olha God, for you is making! It finishes in me the thief, I won the monster that above of me raised Of opened wings, to the hell pushed me Warrior fought, was successful and was successful did not have chord with the serpent Battled, sweat, and blood Two natures, face the face the won serpent, ran away, ran away Led even so, its Image of the mirror Now remained, My Winning Image Banderole of the victory, Raised in my hands Hears the barulhos of the foguetµes Commemorating Victories, for who fight for reasons Step YOU the banderole This catches, holds, is its time, raises is not motionless, only looking at the MIRROR OF the LIFE. POETRY. MEDAL OF SILVER BAURU, 19 of JULY of 2001 Escreva o seu resumo aqui. Relevant Links: http://www.shvoong.com/social-sciences/1625850-espelho ³¨意! ¿¯¯ººº®,µ文, refretindo¾像:­º金 ¼'socios...¤¿,我坐¢¿¯« ¿£ :°»...¯»搜&acu te;¢¯·±我的ºº¯囚¯,°®¯»¥¬的&mac r;有©º¨"»º¿¸­,¥...¨´»着¹& reg;¸¨¡meigas¸ ¸ª­¦期的"&acute ;»·²»¢¤抖的¾像¸­ºº的"½,¹"&sup 1;变前¢的­,®¤ ¸º¿...¡»& shy;»º,¦...§ ­,¦果quebar¹®¸"´? cadª我发¬lagrimas¼»逃¿,£¹! 我¼»½回½ ¢±¡,¿cacos的ca cos"½的­»º¡,¯®¼»µ ¡,¶后®¤¸& ordm;,¦果¦¶© ª"±"µ­¿...¸¿,³果蜜¾ ±¡的­的"½,我看¿,'我的«socios°¿, ¨我...¥±¶,¯·»º重§0.25%,¨¿», »07¿的sagrificio ,½ 的膝;¦及土£¤,¹®¸¿´ 埃¸­¥, ½ 的µ­"­,²¡有 ºº看°¿º¼³ª(¸·) ,»º½量£ºº ½¯¿º&frac3 4;±¡的­"´&r aquo;¿持TCL½. .."²­¦¿choroso! TCL½...dir¡s , ²¡有¦¸&iexcl ;¿...¥"·ºº ,¦果¸½指望&ra quo;»¬¬®¹的,¹损®³ºsadnesses¸ºº¤战unclasp& iquest;...,½我¾&iqu est;®¤,...¶¸­ ´µ'¾¾的¯,¸¯´¤©&d eg;±¯¸...¥,½¸¸ª¿·¤±»º¸...°的¼睛 ¿±±,³¥&su p3;的¿®¸­&frac 12;¢±¡,¹¶&ce dil;¼·¼°&f rac12;量®´´拜¤¿¹',思¿µ,°的½¢±¡, ½¢±¡,我的ª"±' ' olha¸¸,½ ¯! ®®成我的°·,我 µ¢¾ºª.. .½,»¥¸所提º的,我"¼¿...膀,°°±里¨我"勇£«, ¾成功,成功²¡有&fr ac14;¦的µ·蛇扑,& plusmn;°´'²¡¸¤§§´¨,¢¯¹¢¯¹ ©...蛇,逃·º,逃&m iddot;º,³½¿¦­¤,...¶½¢±¡的 ­,°¨¾¶ ­¨,我的½¢&plusmn ;¡µ¢¾£¸¦的胜©,提º¨我手¸­¬ °barulhos的foguet¥¿' ¯ºª¿µ胜©°º取的原 ¸­¥½ 的£¸¦¿&cedi l;"·©,搁½®的, ¯...¶¶,½¿ºº²¡有¨静,ª¯¨看­里的"´». ¯. 勋« ...²"¶, 19¥的2001¾³escreva¿»½¬resumo的aqui . ¸...³"¾¥: http://www.shvoong.com/social-sciences/1625850-espelho alem£o para francªsalem£o para inglªs¡rabe para inglªs Betachinªs para inglªs Betachinªs (simplificado para tradicional) Betachinªs (tradicional para simplificado) Betacoreano para inglªs Betaespanhol para inglªsfrancªs para alem£ofrancªs para inglªsinglªs para alem£oinglªs para ¡rabe Betainglªs para chinªs (simplificado) Betainglªs para chinªs (tradicional) Betainglªs para coreano Betainglªs para espanholinglªs para francªsinglªs para italianoinglªs para japonªs Betainglªs para portuguªsinglªs para russo Betaitaliano para inglªsjaponªs para inglªs Betaportuguªs para inglªsrusso para inglªs Beta Sugira uma tradu§£o melhor Obrigado pela sua contribui§£o ao Google Translate.Usaremos sua sugest£o para melhorar a qualidade da tradu§£o em futuras atualiza§µes do nosso

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