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The Fountainhead
(Ayn Rand)

The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand's masterpiece, is the story of a young architect, who wants to build his kind of buildings without following any rule from any book ever taught in any school of architecture. All that he understands is the ?purpose? and knows very well how to meet it. Nobody knows better that this man how to fashion a building so well as to serve any and every purpose one wants the building to serve. The exquisite beauty of a building of that kind is appreciated by only a few people. And since the fellow has tremendous talents, those who can detect it want to shove him down the drains because they see him as a living, walking threat to their mediocre abilities. So, they would stop at nothing to have him down and out. This man is Howard Roark. And then, there is this elegant woman, who has such discerning eyes and such feminine charm that few can resist her. She writes a column on architecture and anyone and everyone who reads her column is dead sure that she hates Howard Roark. But the truth is opposite and is right beneath the surface one reads any of her columns carefully. She knows the worth of Roark?s designs and doesn?t find the people worthy of living in the houses designed by him or to work in the office made by the fellow. Her struggle is to keep the world from having anything built by Roark. And she?ll stop at nothing in doing that. She would snatch every building contract from Roark and persuade those who commission him to rescind the signed contracts. This is Dominique Francon. The Fountainhead is a man?s struggle to live on his own conditions against those who don?t want him to. Of course, he wins and lives.

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