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Maly Ksiaze
(Antoine de Saint-Exupe,ry)

The small Prince - the title hero of the composition Antoine'and de Saint-Exupéry'ego. After misunderstandings with the rose lowered {left} her own planet B-612 in quest of of the friend. Her own adventures it {he, she} tells to the airman. In the way Down it meets: King, Vain, the Drunkard, the Banker, the Lighthouse keeper and the Geographer, and On Earth: The fox, the Dealer {Buyer}, the viper and the airman. From every from met forms {figures} it learns {teaches} something, most often about the world adult who seems to him inexplicable, and people in him living in general with one's gaze fixed exclusively into himself. Recognizes also the meaning of the friendship (thanks to meeting with the fox and the airman) and the creature of love (in consequence of visits in the full garden the pink). Into the anniversary of the abandonment of her own planet he decides on her to return, taking advantage of the help of the viper (she bit him and like this he could abandon the carnal coat which made difficult him the home-coming). The form {figure} of the Small Prince is a symbol of clean {pure}, undefiled by {through} the life, the childish imagination and the system of basic values practical, such as: love, the friendship, the loyalty, the faithfulness, the responsibility. The narrator "of the Small Prince" Antoine'and de Saint-Exupéry'ego which on account the damage of the plane compulsorily lands on Sahara. Unexpectedly he meets the Small Prince. The boy tells to him about her own tramp after Earth and other planets. Thanks to undefiled looking of the child on the world the airman uncovers {discovers} again basic practical values and becomes {stands up} a friend of the boy. He confesses at the beginning her own tale: I try to describe him for this, not to forget. This very unpleasant to forget the friend. Painfully lives {survives} the separation, because, how {as} speaks the fox: The decision of accustomming carries in himself the risk of tears. The form {figure} from the composition Antoine'and de Saint-Exupéry'ego wherewith the title hero makes friends by {through} "the domestication" of the fox ; "to accustom" he marks {means} "to create fetters" - there explained the new friend the boy. Thanks to him the Small Prince understood that his rose is only on the world, because this just watered her and nursed. On the farewell the fox reveals him its own secret: As plain as the nose on your face is: well it sees itself {sees} only with the heart. Most important is invisible for eyes. You become responsible to the end of time for {behind} this, what you accustommed. You are liable for your own rose. The fox is here a symbol of the friendship and the responsibility. This is the philosophical story for children, acknowledged universally too one from most important and most popular works of the world literature.

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