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Far From The Madding Crowd
(Thomas Hardy)

Far From the Madding crowd has Thomas Hardy's trademark of romance, love, the pain that accompanies deep love and betrayal. At the same time it is laced with warmth and humor.

The two main characters in the novel are the shepherd-farmer Gabriel Oak and his love interest, Bathsheba Everdene a combination of pride and beauty. The novel presents the realisation of Gabriel oak as far as his deep love for Bathsheba is concerned and his pain at her flat refusal to his proposal of marriage. Tragedy befalls Gabriel again when he looses everything that he worked for and destiny takes him to Bathsheba's farm where he begins work as a shepherd.

The events that follow lead Bathsheba to give in to the temptation of being attracted to Sergeant Troy, the object of her infatuation. The tale has twists of temptation, treachery and passion, all the ingredients for an interesting story. This together with Hardy's innate ability to capture the fine nuances of the characters and their emotions make Bathsheba's journey towards realising her true self, painful yet necessary and holds the reader attention. Hardy once again proves himself to be an absolute master at portraying human lives and emotions, particularly love and loss.
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