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War Of Flowers
(Tad Williams)

Theo Vilmos is 30 years old singer in a not very popular rockband.But he understands that something is going to changeabout his life, first of all his girlfriend looses theirbaby, then his mother dies and when he remindes completlyalone a nightmare enters his life and hunts him in a wood cabin where he is spandingtime by reading fantastic diary of his uncle where he writes about a fairy word , but it's not a naive sweet fairy land we know from a fairy tales, this world resembles in a scaryway our world with it's politics, energy crisis, ogliogarchy, racism and other maladies of modern society.
Theo issaved from the cabin by atiny sprote who takes him with her to the same fairy land he just read about and there he learns that heplays an importnat role in politics and magic , he has to discoverwhohe really is, for what reason he is where he is and what to do about love, friendship and ideals,and all this while he is still hunted by the same nightmare that apeared in his cabin.
He learns thhat he belongsto the fairy land more then to thereal world and finally finds his place, love and friendship

Resumos Relacionados

- Fairy Tales Vs Novels

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