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Ecce Uomo
(Lúcio Emílio do Espírito Santo Júnior)

Ecce Uomo is an autobiographical text of Friedrich Nietzsche, written in a final phase of his life (1888), close of his final crisis and dive in the madness. The title is highly significant. It is in the vulgata of the Bible turns, in São João Gospel, chapter 19, where Pilatos introduces Christ to the Jews: he Left Pilatos still again, and he/she told them: suddenly you swallow him/it out, so that you know that I don't find in him crime some. He left because Jesus, bringing him the crown of thorns and the purple mantle. And (Pilatos) told them: Here is the man. Then the priests' princes and the ministers, having seen him, they screamed, saying: Crucifies him, crucifies him. He is constituted of explanations on their books and on his own person. Nietzsche explains because he is so wise, because he writes such good books. He is defined as a decadent one, but he also said the opposite, in other words, somebody vigorous. Nietzsche affirms that his nature is warlike and to attack is part of their instincts. The whole Zaratustra is an ode to the solitude, affirms Nietzsche. He affirmed that it attacked David Strauss, Wagner, among others. To attack, for him, it was proof of benevolence, occasionally of gratitude. The text is marked by the grandiloquence, the self-praise and the German anti-nationalism, what did with that he was just published in 1908. Nietzsche affirmed to be descending of Polish noblemen (what was never proven; a genealogical analysis verified that, of father's part, it descended of a lineage of Protestant shepherds) and he wrote that, where it reigns, Germany corrupts the culture. It is commented on that Freud knew the case Nietzsche, but you don't sweat works. He affirmed that Ecce Uomo was not a book of a lunatic, because Nietzsche had preserved the domain in the way. It is really, in Ecce Uomo Nietzsche he was still the philosopher with poet's talents and musician. The book was born of the author's non-conformism with his little recognition for their contemporaries. Then the fact of so many self-praises: he listened of the own mouth the praises that he waited during one decade, in other words, from the time in that he left the cathedra in Basiléia (1879), sick and embittered with the cold academic reception that had his/her book The Birth of the Tragedy, that him also tematized in Ecce Uomo: it was a book that went back to the old world, resells Socrate with a very original glance: with the whip of their syllogisms, Socrate had begun the decadence of the Greek culture, of the theater and of the music. It also existed a secret hostility against the Christianity in that book, and that later Nietzsche exposed openly and that he won his ruder expression in The Antichrist. In Ecce Uomo, with his removed title of the Scriptures, Nietzsche prophesied a lot of what would happen in the century XX: great wars, enormous transformations of values, but all this without a corresponding argument, what hindered his acceptance and he was worth him the irracionalist epithet. In Ecce Uomo's end, it put a small sentence, summarizing that his philosophy consists of putting Dionisius against Christ. Actually, Nietzsche assumed a solvent posture, unpublished in the philosophy of his time, but that would be adopted by other philosophers of the century XX, like Michel Foucault: he was critical of Socrate, Christ, of the socialism, of the feminism, of the madness and of the reason, without committing with anything, but criticizing the nihilism.

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