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Mindless Eating
(Brian Wansink)

Brian Wansink is director of Cornell University?s Food and Brand Lab. This Book is the result of 20 years research into the psychology of eating. He explains how by making slight adjustments to our habits and thinking about food we can cut our calorie intake without having to diet. Most of the hints in the book are based on scientific experiments: for example people who listen to slow music while they eat will consume 15 per cent less than people who listen to something more exciting such as a mystery play. Other ways of cutting calories include: Only eat when you are sitting at the table ? don?t snack standing up. Cut down the time you spend at cocktail parties. Take your own snacks to your workplace, don?t rely on the cake trolley. If you buy large packs to save money, decant into smaller packs and you will use less. Stop eating when you are no longer hungry, don?t wait until you feel uncomfortably full. Don?t eat food direct from the packet. Take smaller portions, you can make your meal look larger by adding extra vegetables. Reduce the size of desserts, the first two spoonfuls are the most enjoyable. If attending a buffet don?t fill your plate straight away, take a couple of items then go back for more. Use smaller plates and cutlery.

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