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El Codigo Da Vinci
(Dan Brown)

An enigma that catches from the first moment and that takes to the reader, almost without realizing, by a way of revelations the secret societies and pagan symbolisms disguised very well in catholic religious icons. Step by step the reader is itself involved, in an active way, the unveiling of a secret that for years was hidden to the common of mortals. For the neophytes in symbolism, it is attractive and even, didactic this first approach to the subject, that it is revealing, with a quota of suspense, a part of the truth, to advance towards another truth fast. In this vertiginous come and go, are reveled all the great mysteries of the world. If this one is truth, a fiction?s novel, or each ones interpretation, do not bequeath to being relevant, because it is not an historical document, it is only a book and therefore the interpretations are subjective. Perhaps, seen on a religious point of view, can be an attempt against the basics that sustain spirituality. On the other hand, for the believers, makes concrete the existence of Biblical characters related to historical facts and events that could even be drawn up on a time line, from the Bible to the present time. More than representing a blasphemy, it brings unknown characters, or almost not mentioned in the Biblical stories, to the point were makes us wish, at the end of the story, that was true and to be able to express spirituality the same way as the protagonist. Finally and like in all things, it will depend on the faith.

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