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The Power Of Psalms
(Celina Fioravanti.)

For centuries prayer has been the direct way to speak with God. The prayer activates our direct link with God and thru this communication we are able to make changes in our lives, events, relations and circumstances. To pray is to request. It is even more than that: To pray is to have Faith. The word psalm derives from the Greek ?Psamos?, that means religious poem. Psalms were sung in the temples of the old Jerusalem; later on, they comprise the liturgy of the Christian Churches. The Psalms are writings that contain much power and wisdom, since they have been repeated by many generations and that has created its power. In this book you will find the meaning of each one of the psalms and how each one can help you. The psalms have sonority that gives strength to the spirit, at moments of desolation, disease, depressions and death. With them we learn that in every moment of our life, as much in the good times as in the bad ones, the prayer is a positive relief to help us to live.

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