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I, Robot
(Isaac Asimov)

The fear of our technology exponentially getting so advanced that machines enslave the human race, is brought alive with this fiction novel. Although part of the appeal of the novel, is that it may some day be an archive of truth. Detective Spooner starts a normal day but is shaken to find his friend/doctor has committed suicide, this was not an ordinary doctor, Dr. Lanning revolutionized robotics. His dream was to put "a robot in every home."Although robots are considered more like appliances than anything else, Detective Spooner has a gut feeling. In his quest to find out why Dr. Lanning killed himself we find all characters in a struggle for their lives as the robots turn. All of them controlled by a hyper-positronic matrix that took the subject of human safety upon itself. Only to be destroyed by a selfaware robot, especially created by Dr. Lanning. Oh, and Spooner gets the girl.

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