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Little Women
(Louisa May Alcott)

A poignant story of family bonds and friendship set in Nineteenth Century America.To today's young people many of the values and sentiments may appear quaint and outmoded. Still ,the skillful potrayal of the four sisters ,each with their own personal quirks and failings cannot fail to appeal.The triumphs and tribulations of growing up,the sweetness and innocence of the first budding romances have a universal appeal in any age or time.Which reader can fail to identify and sympathise with the thrill of being invited to a grand party and despairing at having nothing suitable to wear,with the hurt of being snubbed and belittled or the pain of losing a dear sister to an illness?Nor can they fail to laugh in wry self recognition at Young Amy's efforts to avoid being sat upon by her older sisters by assumming a false air of self importance.Each of the sisters are different personalities,Restless imaginative Jo is the 'man' of the family;forthright and honest she has no time or patience with spoilt and selfish Amy's pretensions though she loves her younger sister and the baby of the family.Amy's affectations and mannerisms in trying appearing wise and grown up,her futile efforts at transforming her snub nose into an elegant Grecian one by means of a clothes clip will evoke sympathetic laughter from the reader .Sweet little Beth is the peacemaker of the family.She is loved for her genuineness and warmth,her death being one of the most heart wrenching tragedies that the family has to face.Meg, the eldest is a real little woman,motherly ,patient, affectionate and satisfied with her lot in life.Her love for a impecunious young German teacher and their engagement is yet another event which throws the family into a turmoil.Laurie is the rich lonely kid next door whose boredom and desperate need for affection often lead him into mischief.Jo and her sisters transform his life with their friendship and warmth.He in turn will play a significant role in the family in times to come..

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