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Love At Last Sight
(Vedrana Rudan / Lepiej nie czyta? przed ?lubem!!!)

A brutal bookabout marriage. Husband is cruelly beating his wife. Wife cannot help loving her husband. I tell you, you'd better not read that book before getting married: it will put you off any such plans. The main protagonist is unhappy, sha has always been since childhood whan she was beaten and humiliated by her father and felt no love from her mother. A day comes when she decides to change her life, but she finds herself at the mercy of a filthy, hideous and calculating bastard who manipulates her taking advantage of her shattered personality. She marries him. She thinks, it will come for the better - it has to, becuase it couldn't be worse, could it? This question is very soon answered in the affirmative. He drinks, sha has no work, he makes her sit in the slums and take care of their poor belongings.A child is bornand again she thinks it will change everything for the better and she is again cruelly mistaken. So she begins striving to make the child not see all the hopelessness of their life for it to have a different childhood than she herself had. But she fails. And finally, she kills her husband. I would have done it as well if I were in her shoes. From the very beginning the story resembles ramblings of a woman who tries to decide if she was right in killing her husband. The answer to that question belongs to the reader. I have given mine, now it's your turn.

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