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And if i go away?
(site internet)

Old, it does not have a very old time thus, judged that it did not leave you due to courage. It lacked to me courage to it to leave to like you. Today, with the luggages to the door of our house, apercebo me that this courage always existed in me, algures half hidden, and I never made much question of seeing. Because yes, we have a house. Not made of bricks and painted of white as the others, but painted with mine and your smiles, and with the pressed abraços that in heat them in the days of cold. They heated? because today I leave our house (ours? as cost to say to say this), for the first time e, perhaps, without more coming back here, of luggages in the hand and with an ice in me that not of the signals of wanting to melt. Today I had courage to mentalizar me that already not of more. I cannot like who does not demonstrate to like me. It takes care of well of our house now, since while I stow here you left the majority of the foundations I to construct

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