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Judge Dredd - Goodnight Kiss

ENNIS, GARTH & PERCIVAL, NICK - JUDGE DREDD - GOODNIGHT KISS 2001TITAN BOOKS. One of Dredd?s most violent adventures, as Jonni Kiss finally goes for the kill. We first met Joni Kiss in Enter Jonni Kiss, but his motives for killing and kissing his victims in their last breath were not made clear. Now we know that he is merely a mercenary. He has learned of Judge Dredd?s role in killing the last of a division of Waste Land Vigilantes calling themselves the Marshals. Kiss has discovered another group of Marshals in another region of the radioactive wastelands, and he unites with them to get them to go after Dredd and avenge their fallen brothers. They capture Dredd and a female judge in the wasteland, killing her, and crucifying Dredd, who they foolishly leave for dead. Jonni tries to kiss Dredd who nuts him in the face. Dredd survives for seven days on the makeshift cross, feeding of the blood of the vultures that come to eat him. The spirits of various former victims, including the ghost of his clone-brother, visits him. Eventually, and perhaps not very convincingly, Dredd steels himself against the pain, drags the nails out of his own hands, and goes back after Kiss and the Marshals. He has the advantage of them thinking he is already dead. Though out of ammunition himself, he takes the bike and guns belonging to the other judge who the Marshals killed. He wipes them out, and fights Jonni Kiss to the death. Dredd calls his final killer punch his own kiss as the enemy is wiped out. This is a fairly nondescript story for the epic status it gets. The Marshals are more interesting than kiss, but they get pushed into being merely background figures and extras needed for an army with which to throw at Dredd. This looks good, but it isn?t one of the better Dredd adventures.

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- Judge Dredd - Justice One

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