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Enchantress From The Stars
(Sylvia Engdahl)

Enchantress from the Stars, though not a classic, is definitely an entertaining and thought-provoking novel. Though it is a fantasy, it is very suggestive of reality. This novel presents three worlds to the reader: one which is extremely advanced, one a little more advanced than what Earth is today, and one as Earth must have been about 2000 years ago. The second one, which most closely resembles us today, is the villain of the story, as it tries to conquer and make colonies on the ancient world. The natives of the ancient world, i.e. the victims, are portrayed as superstitious and innocent, as they are unaware of the fact that they are being taken over. The heroes of the novel are the most advanced race, as they save the ancient world from the villains without hurting either. The story is brilliantly written with plenty of magic, adventures as well as a very romantic love story between a girl of the protagonist raceand a boy of the victim race. The author cleverly makes comparisons between the world that we live in today and the three worlds shown in the story. For instance, the villainous race is so absorbed in the glory of being capable of exploring and conquering the ancient world, it does not show any compassion or kindness to the victims. It is too preoccupied with its advancing science and technology, and exploits it to obtain power on the helpless victim race.

The novel, along with teaching many lessons, makes a very entertaining and light read. It is no wonder that it has won a Newberry Award.

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