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Young Kid On A Traffic Signal

It was a wet and chilly night in the month of December and I was returning from my work around midnight. Our office cab had to stop at a traffic signal. At that signal I saw something, which I haven?t forgotten even after five years.A young boy aged between 9-10 years was begging on a traffic signal wearing nothing but a worn half-pant. He was shivering heavily due to extremely wet and chilly weather. One could easily guess the severity of the cold by the fact that even though I was sitting fully decked up in warmers and jackets and inside the closed cab, still I was feeling cold.I wanted to go out and talk to that kid but the cab driver warned me against stepping out. He said if you step out to save the kid from cold, you would risk your life at this hour of night. I still wanted to go ahead and talk to the poor kid but when he pointed out at a dark stretch beside the road, I clearly understood what the driver meant. I saw cruel looking hefty man standing there and keeping a vigil over the kid. Poor kid, he did not have any other option but to obey his master and beg in the cold risking his young little life. I admit, I was very scared to get out of the cab after seeing that man and decided to leave the kid on his own destiny.In the meantime traffic light turned green and the cab zipped past the kid. I still was seeing that kid from the hind screen. After a few minutes he disappeared in the distance. But I felt very guilty for being so scared and not helping the kid. That night I had a tough time sleeping. Every time I wanted to sleep in the warm bed, I remembered the image of the shivering poor kid begging for some money for his darn master in the cold midnight. I was caught in the mixed feeling of guilt and hatred. I felt guilty for not being able to bail that kid out of his suffering and I felt damn hatred for that cruel master who lived on this kid?s hard earned money. I say hard earned because even though he was getting money by begging but to beg this money he was undergoing tremendous amount of suffering and torture. How could that wretched man have the heart to snatch that money from those tiny little cold palms? These people deserve severest of punishment even harsher than that meted out to a murderer.How could somebody be so heartless to prey on this innocent kid? I am sure this kid would not be an exception. Thousand of kids all over the world would be suffering in these cruel hands especially in the poverty-ridden regions of the world. These kids? only sin is that they were born in a poor family and were left to fend for themselves.Even after five long years that image is still embedded deep inside my heart and mind and I still feel that much guilty as I felt then. I am guilty of not being able to save him from those cruel hands.So, I thought to dedicate this piece of writing to that poor little kid and other similar kids, who would have lost their young lives in one of those cold nights earning money for their cruel masters.

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