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Tips for a good meal aware of house

The meals in restaurants, self-services and fast-food can highly be calóricas and of small nutricional value. To plan anticipatedly what to eat it can prevent nutricionais traps and provide more healthful options. For an increasing number of people, to eat outside of house is not only one question of pleasure. In accordance with recent surveys, the people who live in great urban centers make one terço of its meals are of house and have supper in restaurants, on average, three times per week. Many other meals are made in establishments type fast-food, snack bars of schools and university and refectories of plants and companies. When lunchhing or supper in restaurants, the people in diets special For control of weight or for questions of health must give attention in the cardápios to skirt nutricionais traps - as the excess of calories, fat, sodium and the insufficience of vitamins, minerals and staple fibres. Thanks to the request of the consumers and to the increasing concern with the nutrition and health, she is if becoming more easy and common to find options of more healthful meals in all the types of establishments. Currently, many restaurants offer to plates "light" (with lesser texts of fats, for example). To drink during the meals Many people commemorate occasions special having supper in restaurants and offering with one drink or a bottle of wine. Although some researchers to affirm that the moderate alcohol ingestion (two drinks per day for men and one for women) can reduce the incidence of cardiac attack, to drink excessively can cause serious problems of health. To drink great amounts of liquids during the meals (cooling, juices, beer, etc) they intervene with the process of the digestion of foods. He prevents the ambushes of the diet It is important to choose a restaurant of compatible style with its alimentary standard. To prevent to empanturrar itself, two choice or three itens of the cardápio and does not leave to include between them salada of vegetables, hortaliças and vegetables. It starts with a substancioso, poor plate in calories - for example, raw or mixing saladas (raw and cozidas), a vegetable soup. To include a cereal, as integral rice and a leguminosa, as green beans, garbanzo bean, lentil are part of a equlibrada diet. It prevents the consumption of red meats and chicken. It prefers plates with fish, fruits of the sea and vegetables. It does not have necessity to prevent the dessert, but it gives to preference desserts of fruits, lighter desserts (salada of fruits, cream of fruits with yoghurt and granola, ice cream of fruits, mousse of fruits). It prevents açúcaradas stuffed pies very and. Many saladas restaurants offer buffet of and hot plates, type self-sevice, what it becomes the choice most easy for the people worried about the good nutrition. It prevents to overload the meal with greasy gravies or to choose plates to the potato base and pasta prepared with great amounts of maionese and milk cream. Cares in the choice Although rules of hygiene and manuscript of foods in restaurants to exist, still exist risks for the health associates the foods served in restaurant and snack bars, since many cooks and assistant do not follow them. It is possible to have an idea of the attention that the restaurant excuses to the hygiene for the appearance of its installations, the kitchen and its employees. He never hesitates in returning a plate if it badly will be cooked, rancid or if to suspect that he has not been prepared in accordance with the satisfactory conditions of hygiene. Errors can occur even though in the best establishments. Benefits and inconveniences to eat outside of house Benefits - Convenient, especially when one is far from house - They provide a rest of the routine tasks of the kitchen - They offer chance to try other flavors Inconveniences - Expensive, if compared with the feeding caretaker - Many plates are rich in fat, calories and salt - They can not be appropriate for people who are following diets special

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