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Old Man And The Sea
(ernest Hemingway'a)

Old man and the sea is an Ernest Hemingwey's story about poor fishman, who didn't catch any fish for 83 days. Santiago earn money for bread by fishing all his life. But for few days he was unsuccesfull. Peaple laughed at him. They said that he is unuseful. He could only talk to young boy, but his parents didn,t let him to go fishing with Santiago. He was lonely, hungry. He decided to show villagers that he could still catch big fish. He sailed in open sea. Suddenly after two months he caught big merlin. Santiago fighted with him 3 days and 3 nights. He was exhausted, blooded but he killed fish. Inspite of being old anw weak. Fish was so big to take it on the small boat so he decided to place it near the back. His adventure didn,t end beacause he was attacked by sharks. he was so weak to fight with them so he turned to home. he took only skeleton of fish to the beach. peole were amazed and respected him. Santiago succeeded and show them his value. He knew what is the aim of his life and that the old man can win with big problems.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Old Man And The Sea, 1952

- The Old Man And The Sea

- The Old Man And The Sea

- The Old Man And The Sea

- The Old Man And The Sea

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