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Superman Returns
(R.A. Salvatore)

Overall, I found this Superman film a bit uneven. While I enjoyed the slow gentle in-betweens, sometimes there were just too many of them, or perhaps it?s just that they went on a little long. And a few of them were more awkward than soothing. But, then the action -- some of these sequences were very sweet. The airplane segment was directed to perfection, great discipline and timing, powerful impact and just the right amount of humor. I like this Superman. He?s very relaxed in and out of the new suit. Which, btw, I have no problem with. I?m not a comic book purist, the maroon leather looks just fine to me. On the other hand, what stuck out, was Superman, as Clark Kent, stopping at the end of a tough day for a beer with little Jimmy Olsen. That seemed out of the comic book feel of the film. But I?m sure I?m just being picky now. All of that said, the film struggles to find it?s own rhythm most of time, but eventually finds it in the climb to climax and resolution. And I must say I quite enjoyed that ending, which will bump up the total grad for the picture from a B to a B+.

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