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Cheat Lists Unverified. On the cheat menu, the code that follows the effect you want activated. Mascot: manineedadate Nerd: wearelosers Photography Girl and Filmer: themedia Skinny Real Estate Agent: sellsellsell Travis Barker: plus44 Twin: badverybad Zombie: suckstobedead Full Stats: jammypack Fun Park: Easy Stokens Inkblot Deck: birdhouse Perfect Manual: allthebest Perfect Rail: frontandback Anchorman: newshound Real Estate Agent: shescaresme Bum: enterandwin Christian Hosoi: hohohosoi Dad And Skater Jam Kid: strangefellows Et Colonel And Security Guard: militarymen Jason Lee: chocolatecoveredpretzel Kevin Staab: mixitup Grim Reaper: enterandwin (Free Skate two players only)

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