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Memoirs Of A Geisha
(Arthur Goldman)

Memoirs of a Giesha perceives the concealed life of a mysterious woman driven civilization in japan. It is a wonderfully written love story with tragedy, revenge, and honor. Twist and turns intently open your imagination. The words simply keep you from closing the book.

As the book begins you are filled with grief and dispair. Two young girls by the name of Chiyo and Satsu live in a poverty stricken fishing village. Lone and Behold a very old father, and a very sick mother. One night the girls went hungry when they asked their father why he replied "to understand emptiness".

Little do the girls know they have been sold by Mr. Tanaka in order to save them from the streets as their ill stricken mother dies. At first the girls love Mr. Tanaka, they grow to hate him and his decision towards their future. To make matters worse when taken to Gion the decision was made Chiyo would become a geisha and Satsu would become a prostitute. This decision dramatically shreds the girls from each other never knowing if they will see of another again.

Chiyo is sent to live in the Nitta Okia where she meets the unscrupulous Hatsumomo. The only in house geisha in the okiya. After a failed attempt by Chiyo to runaway (an idea given by Hatsumomo) Chiyo has put a deep scare into her career . Hatsumomo recognized Chiyo's potential and destroyed any chance of chiyo ever becoming a geisha. Chiyo is now reduced to a house maid, with no thought in sight of becoming a geisha.

A crying pale eyed girl now sits on a bridge watching the river pass ever slowly by. A man approaches her its the chairman and so begins the fascination of her love for him, and her determination to become a geisha.

Unknowingly to Chiyo the chairman has put his hand into her future and given her another chance to become a geisha.

Now a teen Chiyo is used to thelife of a servant and watches as pumpkin a apprentice geisha goes out at night for her first time with her big sister Hatsumomo.

The very next day a unexpected visitor arrives. Its Mameha, Hatsumomo's rival. She has come to offer the okiya an offer it cannot refuse. Mameha is to become Chiyo's big sister, and Chiyo is given another chance to become and apprentice geisha. And Chiyo?s new entrance to the geisha world has given her a new name ; Nitta Sayuri San.Now Sayuri?s determination to be with the chairman drives her. Even though Mameha pushes her more towards Nobu to patron, and be her danna. Sayuri undergoes a mizuage which the highest bidder wins the virginity of a apprentice geisha. Nobu is outbid by Dr. Crab, and breaks a record for the highest paid mizuage in its time.

The outbreak of World War II turns the world of Gion inside out. Sayuri?s successes are quickly made irrelevant, and her physical beauty is tarnished by manual labor and malnutrition. The life of luxury is replaced by a new reality: her personal dark valley. She is sent to work dying kimono fabric. She falls apart inside thinking she will never return to life of a geisha.

It is Nobu that saves Sayuri from the harsh labor of the war until Gion is able to open again on the condition that she will allow him to become her patron, despite the fact that it is the Chairman she desires.However, it is not until she puts herself in an undesirable position that Sayuri's desire to be with the Chairman truly frees her to pursue her own destiny.

The Chairman then frees her from the okiya and becomes her 'danna' (similar to what a wife calls her husband).After several years as the Chairman's mistress, Sayuri sets up a teahouse in New York for Japanese businessmen so that the Chairman does not lose his face in Japan when his daughter is about to be married to a man who would be the potential heir of his company

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