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To Cold Blood
(Truman Capote)

Truman Capote achieved with this novel a new one I generate that is the novel of not fiction and did it based on to be become an investigator of the company and particularly of a crime in a small county U.S. The novel tries the murder of a family among them a small girl for two subjects that supposedly they did it in order to stealing this family but time manages to unmask this incident and al to seem there was cause darker in this crime.the novel relates the life in this place as well as psychological aspects of the murderers and an analysis detailed of the company and a theme as controversial as is it the death penalty to which they are submitted the two delinquent al final through the gallows.the novel relates in great detail the events Of the people, is a work of very good investigation and that gave rise to various writers of this new kind that reflects us clearly with a detective sound the to feel of a community.

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