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Don Quixote Of La Mancha

Mr. Quijote is a work that can be studied all a life and always is found somewhat new or stunning for the reader, is the second more read work in Spanish America after the Bible, is a do full of genius and an excellent spindle of the language, full of verbal play, poesia and rhymes.the work tries a man that this obsessed with the literature of cavalry and drives crazy this, then it decides to go in search of adventures causing calling Mr. Quijote of the Spot and takes for squire to an a little coarse but ingenious man call Sancho Panza and thus they initiate his crossings in which the insanities of Mr. Quijote do not cause they expect Mr. Quijote lives lover of what for the is the most beautiful woman than is Dulcinea and in his name he carries out large feats leaving to one side its ideals of justice and liberty that is one of the main messages of the work, the liberty of thinking and to act as well as to be honest and just with the causes he leads to several adventures of this strange one hero.the epoch in which this book was written is a changing period as is used to occurring in the history and when these changes are given feels a that is seen relejado in the work al not to agree Mr. Quijote with the forms of life of its time, without place to doubts was an epoch of changes and this causes is it a book and a hero of all them were.the book walks through many spots and situations that leave a teaching and the book culminates with the death of Mr. Quijote, although as it it seems to be a book that does not have end therefore provided that itself read will appear this personage with an adventure, phrase or genius that was passed for high Mr. Quijote is a work that can be studied all a life and always is found somewhat new or stunning for the reader, is the second more read work in Spanish America after the Bible, is a do full of genius and an excellent one of the language, full of verbal play, poesia and rhymes.the work tries a man that this obsessed with the literature of cavalry and drives crazy due to this, then decides to go in search of adventures causing calling Mr. Quijote of the Spot and takes for squire to an a little coarse but ingenious man call Sancho Panza and thus they initiate their crossings in which the insanities of Mr. Quijote they cause they expect Mr. Quijote lives lover of what for the is the most beautiful woman than is Dulcinea and in his name he carries out large feats without leaving to one side his ideals of justice and liberty that is one of the main messages of the work, the liberty of thinking and to act as well as to be honest and just with the causes he leads to several adventures of this strange one in which this book was written is a changing period as is used to occurring in the history and when these changes are given he feels a fear that is seen relejado in the work al not to agree Mr. Quijote with the forms of life of his time, without place to doubts he was an epoch of changes and this he causes he is him a book and a hero of all the Book walks through many spots and situations that leave a teaching and the book he culminates with the death of Mr. Quijote, although as he mention he seems it to be a book that does not have end therefore provided that itself read will appear this personage with an adventure, phrase or genius that was passed for high.

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