The Lusíadas
(Luís Vaz de Camões)
The renascimentoliterário reached its apex in Portugal, during the known period comoClassicismo, between 1527 and 1580. The landmark of its beginning is the return Portugal dopoeta Sá de Miranda, who passes years studying in Italy, of where she brings asinovações of the poets of the Italian Renaissance, as the verse decassílabo and loving asposturas of the stil Candy nouvo. But he was Luis of Camões, whose life seestende accurately during this period, who perfected, in the LínguaPortuguesa, the new poetical techniques, creating lyric poems that rival formal emperfeição with the ones of Petrarca and an epic poem, the Lusíadas, that, àimitação of Homero and Virgílio, translates verse all the history of the povoportuguês and its great conquests, taking, as central reason, the descobertado maritime way for India for Vasco of Gamma in 1497/99. To sing the history of the Portuguese people, in the Lusíadas, Camões it was to search in the classic seniority the adequate form: the epic poem, narrative and grandiloquent poetical sort, developed for the poets daantigüidade to all sing the history of a people. The Iliad and the Odisséia, attributed to the Homero (Century VIII. C), through the narration of episodes daGuerra of Troy, counts to the legends and the heroic history of the Greek people. Already the Eneida, of Virgílio (71 a19 B.C.), through the adventures of the Enéas hero, presents the history of the foundation of Romae the origins of the Roman people. Aocompor the biggest poetical monument of the Portuguese Language, the Lusíadas, published in 1572, Camões copies the structure narrative of the Odisséiade Homero, as well as verses of the Eneida de Virgílio. It uses aestrofação in Eighth Rhymes, invented for Ariosto Italian, who consists of estrofes of eight verses, rhymed always in the same way: abababcc. The epic if composes in 1102 dessasestrofes, or 8816 verses, all decassílabos, divided in 10 cantos. The narration consists, therefore, for the most part of the poem. ?InMedia Res? is initiated, that is, in full action. Vasco of Gamma and its fleet if dirigempara the Handle of the Good Hope, with intention to reach India for the sea. Assisted for deuses Venuses and Mars and pursued by Baco and Netuno, lusitanos osheróis pass for diverse adventures, always proving its value efazendo to take advantage its Christian faith. When stopping in Melinde, when reaching Calicute, or same during the trip, the Portuguese ones go counting the history of the feitosheróicos of its people. Completed the trip, they are rewarded by Venus with ummomento of rest and pleasure in the Island of the Loves, true natural paradise queem very remembers the image that then became of just discovered Brazil.
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- The Lusíadas
- Os Lusíadas
- "the Lusiads"
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