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The Tragedy Of Rainbow Bright
(Alexis Mielonen)

The Tragedy of the Rainbow Bright ?Show and Tell?, brings up happy fuzzy memories. Memories of seashells from the beach, real dinosaur bones from backyards, tooth fairy money actually from the tooth fairy herself, penny souvenirs from the past summer road trips and moon rocks actually from the moon! Like any other normal kid, I have always loved show and tell. So I, obviously, was excited when it was my time to share. How could I know that this would be the day I died. I was 6 yrs old, enjoying my Sugar Pops in the kitchen before school, talking to my mom, explaining how excited I was to bring my favorite possession in the whole entire world-Rainbow Bright. But it was a tricky situation, bringing her to school with me. I did not want Rainbow to run the risk of getting dirty so after begging and pleading with my mom, I won and arranged for her to bring my precious doll at the end of the day. The day seemed to last forever. Story time lost its enchantment and even foursquare and tetherball lost their appeal. My best friend Erica asked me, ?What are you bringing for ?Show and tell?? ? ?Oh, it?s a surprise,? I said mysteriously. ?You?ll have to wait to find out. Just wait.? All my friends then had to find out, but I would always answer,?Just wait.? Finally the time arrived. Knowing I wanted to keep my precious doll a secret, my mom had put her in a brown grocery bag. Eric came first showing a picture of his dog, then came Mary showing a shell necklace. I was last and had to stop myself from running over the desks in my way. Loudly I declared to everyone in the room, ?I chose to bring this because I love her very much, and I want you to, too.? Carefully putting my hand in the bag, the class leaned in closer to see if I had brought a snake or something totally disgusting. Proudly, I lifted her out of the bag while watching the faces to see their amazement. To my confusion, however the class erupted in laughter. Why? How disrespectful! Why would they laugh at the unbelievably amazing Star Bright?! Looking down, I saw that she had her skirt around her ankles displaying her red and blue star undies. Oh horror! What utter embarrassment! ?Look! ?Someone yelled. ?Her skirt is gone and you can see her underwear!? It was then I saw the meanness six-year-olds truly harbor in their minds. I was shocked and mortified, not to mention poor Rainbow Bright who had no choice but to be humiliated. I quickly put her back in the bag and looked to the teacher to see if I could leave. ?Please, oh please let me leave!? my eyes asked. A quick nod of her head and I was out of that room making a b-line for the door. My mother followed me, trying to help me understand that it wasn?t as bad as I thought it was. ?Alexis, it wasn?t that bad,? she said. ?It was actually kind of funny. Can?t you see the humor? It was, after all, just a little incident that happened, and it?s not like you?ll remember this forever.? But I do. Soon embarrassment turned to anger. Why didn?t my mom look to see if Rainbow Bright had her skirt properly attached?! How could my classmates laugh at the truly wonderful Rainbow Bright?! I was alone. No one saw the tragedy of that day. But I did. My innocence was gone. Forever. As a result, of their insensitivity and mockery, I single-handedly mourned the loss of my childhood.

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