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Pride And Prejudice
(Jane Austen)

Write your abstract here. Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by Jane Austen, which depicts the state of the primal female emotions undergoing confrontation with the eighteenth century social prejudices. Pride was as integral to human instincts as was the inevitable prejudice. Both are, unfortunately, the creations of social snobberies. Jane Austen very skilfully portrayed how the man-woman relationship was getting strained under the strict social norms prevailing at that time.The beauty of the novel lies in her artistic skill in personifying these abstract emotions into two beautiful characters, Elizabeth and Darcy.It is a novel, which increases the reader's appetite. The novel also reflects the parental anxiety to see the daughters safely entering their marital life. But, love, being strong enough to wade through all artificial barriers, pursues its own course. The story, therefore, becomes a series of events pushing the intensity of an unadulterated love towards its final fulfilment. The strongest literary weapons used by Austen in this novel are irony and humour. But the mighty use of contrast enriches every scene of the novel. The novelist cleverly introduces pairs of lovers. As almost all the girls in the story are sisters, coming from one family, the contrast becomes more interesting. Above all is the prose, conversations appear at the apt time, and the author steps in when the readers crave for her presence. In fact, English prose could prove its mettle through Jane Austen's pen. The novel, written much before the feminist movement, gives signals of female restlessness during a period of unlimited male domination. It is a clean novel, very decent and it shows how sex can remain as asubject in a novel, in a civilized way, without becoming ugly and beastly.

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