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Pride And Prejudice
(Jane Austen)

A hilarious tale set around society of the English in the 18th century when young ladies were in want of a husband of good breeding and fortune! Elizabeth Bennet, head strong and outspoken is the heroine in this story and declares only the deepest love will induce her into matrimony and meets her unlikely match, in the proud, arrogant Mr. Darcy! Perhaps this is the greatest love story ever written and one of Austin's greatest accomplishments.It's an excellent romance and offers social commentaries about marriage, the upper class, and the church. Elizabeth despises Mr. Darcy's arrogant ways due to his status in society and thinks she knows all there is to know about him, but in the end Mr Darcy finally shows his true generous nature and Elizabeth disgards her prejuidice in favor of his love.

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- Pride And Prejudice

- Pride And Prejudice

- Pride And Prejudice

- Pride And Prejudice

- Pride And Prejudice

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