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Numbers are ten .Eventhough they are ten ,they contain so many things.They tells us many things. they are useful in every fields.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

The number "0" is invented by ARYA BHATTA (a famous mathamatician of INDIA). After the invention of zero there is a lot of change observed in all sciences and all fields.


was a mathematician that was born in Pores. Not only did he achieve the title of a great mathematician but made his birthplace proud. He was not the only one though. Many more Mathematicians came from the same place as him and also made there country proud. They came up with new ways to calculate problems and here are some of them that are the most famous. They invented a whole rang of problem solving equations that helped the world vastly.
Hippocrates of Chios taught in Athens and worked on the classical problems of squaring the circle and duplicating the cube. Little is known of his life but he is reported to have been an excellent geometer who, in other respects, was stupid and lacking in sense. Some claim that he was defrauded of a large sum of money because of his naiveté.
Sriniv?sa Aiyang?r R?m?nujan (December 22, 1887 ? April 26, 1920) was an Indian mathematician and one of the greatest mathematical geniuses of the twentieth century. He is considered one of the greatest mathematical prodigies in history[citationneeded]. He had uncanny mathematical manipulative abilities, as judged by experts in his field. He excelled in the heuristic aspects of number theory and insight into modular functions. He also made significant contributions to the development of partition functions and summation formulas involving constants such as ?.A child prodigy, he was largely self-taught in mathematics and had compiled over 3,000 theorems between 1914 and 1918 at the University of Cambridge. Often, his formulas were merely stated, without proof, and were only later proven to be true. His results were highly original and unconventional, and have inspired a large amount of research and many mathematical papers; however, some of his discoveries have been slow to enter the mathematical mainstream. Recently his formulae have started to be applied in the field of crystallography, and other applications in physics. The Ramanujan Journal was launched to publish work "in areas of mathematics influenced by Ramanujan".Aristotle was not primarily a mathematician but made important contributions by systematising deductive logic. He wrote on physical subjects: some parts of his Analytica posteriora show an unusual grasp of the mathematical method. Primarily, however, he is important in the development of all knowledge

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