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Life, The Universe And Everything
(Douglas Adams)

"CANHOPEMAKETHEIMPOSSIBLETHINGSPOSSIBLE" There was a man who had terrific hope on God There was a flood. Water flowed in front of the house. He just continued to have hope on the god. A boat carrying people passed in front of him. He still prayed for god thinking that god will help him and he did not get into boat. After sometime, flood water increased and his house almost submerged. He still prayed god and climbed on tree and sat on a branch, still hoping against hope that god will help him. A wooden log came in the water, many people cling to it. This man said god will help him. Later on water level rose and he was about to be drowned. He said god, I had pinned all my hopes on you, but you did not do anything. I hate you and I do not believe you.... The voice of god came... my dear, I knew you were in trouble. I sent the boat, you should have got into it. You didn't. I send the wooden long, you didn't. Now only thing you can do, is to swim and save your life. Pinning hopes on me and without putting your efforts will not give you results.. God said. Just having hope is not sufficient. With hope, one should put best efforts, clinch the opportunities to make impossible into possible, hard word, enthusiasm in what we do are all important to achieve success.
So,faith in god provides us the extra physical,mental,&spiritual power to remain strong in difficulties & struggle,which is needed to leave a happy & fruitful life.

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