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The Book of Genesis is known as the "seed-plot" of the Bible. The author is believed to be Moses. The expected time of authorship is in the period of 1440-1400 B.C. The book essentially records the fall of man, and God's promise of salvation.The principles of creation, assertion of sin, reason, atonement, depravity, anger, grace, autonomy, accountability etc. are cornerstones this Book. Many of the great eternal questions of life are addressed in Genesis. (1)Where have I come from? (2)Why am I here? (3) Where am I going? .Genesis has appeal to all sections of mankind no matter how important is he in the society.It is an apt starting of God's story of His love for mankind.The book can be divided into two parts: Primitive and Patriarchal History.Primitive history describes Creation, the Fall of man, the Flood and the Dispersion.Patriarchal history narrates the lives of four great men: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. God created a universe that was free from sin. Eve?s sin brought evil and death in the world. Evil started growing and then finally God found something good with only one family. Then He wiped out the evil by Flood, but delivered means of living to Noah and his family. Afterwards humanity again came back to the world. God acted through Abraham and subsequently through his ancestors like Isaac, Jacob and his twelve sons. Their life serves as the basics of practical applications of Christianity.In the conclusion, the study of Genesis reveals that God created the universe, the world, and life. God empowers us to take decisions, and live with the subsequent consequences. But God never abandons us and can take us out of a hopeless situation by doing amazing things if we trust and obey him.

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