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That Summer In Paris
(Abha Dawesar)

Among those Indian female writers settled in America, the author is a new entrant, who has alraedy a mark with her three novels. The latest is That Summer in Paris, centers arounda fictional Indianauthor who has won the Nobel Prize for literature and lives in New Jersy. he is 75 years -old and looks for a young girl with whom he wants to have real enduring relationship, though he had several of them in the past. He comes across a 25 yeard old young writer Maya(literally means illusion) Stevenson on his own website and she wants to be as close as possible to the celebrity novelist. They have a rendezvous and the youg Maya tells him of his plans to move to Paris on a writers fellowship. The novelist also follows her as he has a very close friend, philosopher and guide in a French writer. Maya and Prem Rustom(the celebrated writer) make it to various parks and rstaurants of Paris and to Museums and cultural events likemusic concerts and to painting exhibitons. They enjoy Paris and its salubrious weather. They decide to experiment with living together once they are back in US.They have their own idiosycrancies to overcome, which they do. Back in US maya moves into the house of her icon and they indulge in torrid sex. Next morning the writer is dead and the Indian relatives and publisher ignore Maya and theyattend to the cores and rituals of the funeral. Maya has to return to her ex-boyfriend whom she had abdicated to be with her idol. The weather and atmosphere of Paris summer plays a significant rolein the novel.

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