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If I Die Before Of You
(nelson de oliveira)

IF I TO DIE BEFORE OF YOUandI to die before you, make me a favor: He cries how much to want, but has not fought with me. If not to want to cry, does not cry. If not to obtain to cry, if does not worry. If it will have will to laugh, laughs. If some friends to count to some fact my respect, hear and add its version. If to praise me excessively, corrects I exaggerate it. If to criticize, defends me excessively me. If to want me to make a saint, because I only died, he shows that I had a little of saint, but was far of being the saint that paints me. If to want me to make a demon, shows that I perhaps had a little of demon, but that the entire life I tried to be good and friend... The BEST FRIEND THAT I HAD and will have will to write some thing on me, says only one phrase: - He was my friend, he believed me and he always wanted me for close! There, then he has spilled a tear. I will not be present to dry it, but he does not make badly. Other friends will make this in my place. He would like to say for alive you that as who knows that it goes to die one day, and that it dies as who knew to live right. Friendship alone makes sensible if it brings the sky for more close to people, and if it inaugurates exactly its start here. But, if I to die before you, find that I do not go to find odd the sky. To be its friend, already is a piece of it...

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