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The Art Of The Vision Of Long Stated Period
(Peter Schwartz)

The Art of the Vision of Long Stated period - Peter Schwartz the objective of if creating scenes is not to choose a most likely one and to follow with strategies in this route; the objective is to help to take decisions that are reasonable for all the scenes. Because in the reality all the scenes if confuse and if they rearrange of unexpected forms. The planning for scenes helps to today make choices with a certain understanding of that it can happen with them in the future. Scenes are not simple forecasts, the scenes must be created to help the people to learn as to act in definitive situations. When creating scenes they must be simulated with the collaborators of the company so that each one thinks the respect, this will make with that it is prepared when, and if, this scene, or one seemed, to come to tona. Many times, this period of training discloses connections that were not apparent before. The final result, however, is not a necessary photograph of tomorrow, and yes better decisions on the future. To create scenes the person must be made use to suspend the nonsense sense, to parallel encourage to the imagination and the realism sense. She does not have as to create scenes without believing all the possibilities for more strange than they seem, therefore as Tuchman Barbarian said, "the men will not believe the one that is not incased in its plans or its daily pay-arrangements". In accordance with psychology, the human being prevents to accept a notice bad. The negation is the first period of training of reaction, followed for the anger, bargaining, desperation and, finally, for the acceptance. The scenes deal with worlds and different perceptions, therefore the negation will be the first reaction, this can more harm the deepened study of the scene, or discards it prematurely. Another important point in the creation of scenes is the personages. Fictitious influential people in the scene use themselves to see as they will behave. This aid in the prospection of the future. To create histories inside of the new scene makes new cerebral connections, increase the possibility of insights. Moreover, history in the myth form can be formed, what it can disclose something on what we feel, we desire, we wait or we fear in relation to the future. That is important, therefore the creation of scenes depends on the culture of who creates. All the cultural luggage of the person is used in the prospection of the future, what it can disclose some imperfections.

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