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Horta medical cure
((Source: Official Progress on the Amazon; Jerson Spider))

Horta medical cure that the cultivation of medicinal plants ensures that they are preserved for their own use as well as for future generations. Many fruit serve as medicines, and food. Some of them are banana, pineapple, blackberry, passion fruit and papaya. Some edible plants that also serve as medicine are the onion, garlic, peanuts, cabbage, pepper, coffee, pumpkin, sunflower, sweet potatoes, rice, maize, ginger, pepper kingdom and the sesame (Sesamum indicum). Other plants are grown only for their medicinal qualities and are essential in a medicinal garden. The varieties of plants vary by country, but may include the nail-de-deceased (tagetes erecta), the tefrósia (Tephrosia vogelii), vinca (emphasizes rosea), the estramônio (© Datura stramonium), the urucuzeiro (Bixa orellana) the margaridão-yellow (Tithonia diversifolia) and the sour-caruru (Hibiscus sabdariffa). There is no other claim to reap these plants so that they do not die in nature. Sebe alive before the planting medicinal herbs, plante live hedges along the lines of contour to prevent soil erosion, fertilize the soil and create shade. The lines must have 2 to 4 meters in distance in a ground slope, and five meters in a ground plan. Some species are useful: • grass-saint (Cymbopogon citratus), a medicinal plant • leucena (Leucaena leucocephala) a legume that improves soil fertility • Cassia spectabilis, which grows easily from grafts of a meter • bean rows (Start articles) • moringa (Moringa oleifera), which produces edible leaves and fruit, rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. Every year, at the beginning of the rainy season, trim the hedges live in a time of a meter and bury the leaves on the ground. Trees Plant fruit trees around the bush or along the garden. Depending on the soil, the climate and altitude, plante hoses, tamarinds, orange, mamoeiros, goiabeiras and avocado. All of these fruit trees are rich in vitamins A and C. Plant trees of nim, if the weather permits. They have many medicinal properties, and other insecticides. They grow well, even in dry climates. Methods of planting If possible, make two-a vegetable garden and a demonstration of the production. For the garden of production, it is useful to set up a nursery to generate small seeds and transplants. It is better seeding in alternating lines or mix the various medicinal plants, as they increased in nature. Thus, the plants provide shade for the other one, and it is possible to harvest in the dry season as well. Discover experimenting if the plants grow best in the sun or the shade, and if they need much or too little water. Note carefully where they appear to thrive in the wild. Horta Separate demonstration of a small area for the demonstration garden, which may be used for lessons with medical officials, traditional healers, children, schools and teachers. Plante copies of each plant known and used in traditional medicine. Make this garden near the street-for example, near the entrance of a clinic or hospital. So, all that could go see it. Label your garden plants in the demonstration, put a label to each plant, the local name, the scientific name and their uses written on it. You can cut blades of iron, plastic buckets and old, to make permanent labels useful. Write with a pen ink permanent. The scientific name is important, as the visitors from other countries - or even the neighboring village-can call them by different names and places. (Source: Official Progress on the Amazon, Jerson Spider)

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