(Jerson Spider)
AS TOURIST ATTRACTIONS OF AMAZONAS The Amazon, the most extensive state of the Brazilian Amazon has an area of 1.57 million square kilometers, has in the waters of its rivers, the margins can see is not and has in diversity as its great natural landscapes attractive eco tourism. The Amazonas 14 municipalities selected to compose his pole eco news: in addition to Manaus, are inserted part of the pole Autazes, Barcelos, encroachment, encroachment of Várzea, Iranduba, gestures, New Day, Itacoatiara, President Figueiredo, Rio Preto''s Eve, Silves , Santa Isabel of Rio Negro and San Gabriel da Cachoeira. Most of these municipalities is concentrated on the banks of the three major rivers of the Amazon: the Black, the Solimoes and the Amazon itself. The gate of entry is the capital. The pole Amazon is also marks a high concentration of protected forming the largest protected area of the world (5.7 million hectares), as the Park of Rio Negro, the Ecological Reserve Sauim - Castanheira, the Ecological Station of the Night and the National Park of Jaú, processed in the Natural Heritage of Humanity-forming one of the largest protected areas of tropical forests in the world. A 10 km from the capital is one of the great natural spectacles of the Amazon: the meeting of the dark waters of the Black River with the waters of the Solimoes wrestlers, which flow by about 07 km before they mix, where the observation of birds and porpoises are is additional attractions. Even near Manaus, Black River above, this archipelago of the trip, a paradise for biologists and ecologists, composed of about 400 islands, hundreds of lakes and creeks, rich in animal and plant species. It is considered a paradise for conservationists. The full scheme of the river affects the wildlife in the archipelago: during the floods of November to April to July, only half of the islands are visible, in becoming refuges for wildlife. When the waters fall, the islands submerged emerged, and with them, back to the scene a huge variety of animals, easily observable. Banhados by the river Negro, New Day and Barcelos have in common part of its territory occupied by the Jaú National Park and the historic ruin of Day Old remnant of the historical ruins beginning of the occupation in the European region. His numerous creeks and lakes, which form idyllic landscapes and natural, and their religious festivals are attractive extras. Also in Barcelos, are the largest waterfall in Brazil-Sierra''s Guava - with 396 m of jump and the largest river archipelago in the world-Mother, with 1,700 ilhas.Também bathed by the river Negro, Santa Isabel of Rio Negro and San Gabriel da Cachoeira are the municipalities more distant from the capital, which cover in their territories and are close to the National Park of Pico da Neblina, where are the two points higher than the Brazilian territory-the very peak of Haze and the Pico March 31 . The municipalities of Autazes, agribusinesses, Rio Preto''s Eve and President Figueiredo are the only ones who are outside the direct influence of the three major rivers. Located the margins of BR 174 highway that connects Manaus to Boa Vista (RR), and remote extend 107 km from the capital, President Figueiredo has as attractive encachoeirados rivers, caves and archaeological sites. Other municipalities - Silves, gestures, encroachment of Várzea, Iranduba and Itacoatiara-hosting units of conservation in their areas, such as lakes, rivers and creeks of great beauty. Besides the natural attractions, the Amazon carries culturally, enormous charm and fascination in the light of many legends and myths from their indigenous inhabitants. It remains the congregation of the ethnic diversity of the country and therefore the language, making about 300 distinct ethnic groups, including groups still no contact with civilization. (Jerson Spider)
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