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The Amulet Of Samarkand
(Jonnathan Stroud)

The Amulet of Samarkand is a fabulous book. It introduces a completely different concept and world of magic. No wands and no flying broomsticks. So, you may think ? ?where?s the magic?? Since the advent of Harry Potter, is has become hard to imagine magic without wands and flying broomsticks.
The concept goes like this ? ? there are some people with the ability to summon spirits or demons. These people are known as magicians and rest are commoners. Without these demons magicians are as good as commoners. So with the ability to summon and control demons the magicians control the government. Now, controlling these creatures is a task next to impossible. If any mistake is made while summoning them- even if a missing dot in the pentacle (the magician are supposed to standwithin a pentaclewhile summoning the demon) ; the magician is at the spirit's mercy ( which is not very pleasant ). Therefore stronger demon means more danger.Ok, so this is how the story begins?A young apprentice Nathaniel is always underestimated and humiliated by his master. He is a very smart and talented boy and is a quick learner too. Once in a party, a magician bullies and ill-treats him and no one including his master comes for his rescue. His teacher who does is removed. Now this little guy Nathaniel wants revenge. He summons a minor imp ( which he is not supposed to at this age). He makes the imp spy on the guy who had insulted him ?Simon Lovace? (a strong magician). One day while spying on Lovace, Nathaniel gets to know that Lovace has stolen the amulet of Samarkand and got a person killed for it too. A fantastic though extremely risky plan comes to his mind. What he does now is even more risky, he summons the 3000 years old djinn Bartimaeus. He orders the creature to steal the amulet of Samarkand from Lovace and hide it in his master?s safe. Not only this, the creature comes to know Nathaniel?s name and can use it to backfire all the incantations. But our hero some how manages to deprive Bartimaeus of the pleasure of eating him.Jonnathan Stroud has come up with this fabulous story and has put it up in a hilarious way too.

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- Magician

- Harry Potter

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