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Ramayana Series
(Ashok S Banker)


Are you looking for something different to read? You might want to pick up the Ramayana. Think you have either read it or heard it so many times that you would be bored beyond possibilities, then you think wrong. Ashok S Banker, the author of this surprising re-telling of the Ramayana has managed to bring back the epic with great allure, into this graphically interesting era of the Lord of the Rings and The Harry Potter series and their likes. He leads our minds into the very telling topography of the land that is the scene of the great story, and it is with difficulty that we unwillingly come back to the present from the dark days of the lords and demons that he writes about. India that was once!! The untamed forests of central India, the dangers and fears that lurk to the south of the civilized world on the banks of the mighty river Ganges, and the strange beings and even stranger beasts that dwell beyond the Vindhyas ? these being the fear and concerns of the people of the then Ayodhya. Beware, for they might turn into your concerns and nightmares too. That is how deeply you might get involved with this series. The mutants and beasts, the atrocities of the Asuras and the gory battles fought, would all put most previously known tales of beasts and fear to shame. The characters of Rama and Lakshmana are purely human in all respects. Their fears, tribulations, temptations, concerns and acts of courage do not glorify them as gods, but place them in the pedestal of mortal heroes. They are portrayed as human as you and I ? they are vulnerable to the human emotions of fear and terror and show bravery and courage as far humanly possible for a creed of tough warriors. Available as a series of 7 books, it jolts our senses, terrorizes our imagination, thrills our spines and on the whole makes an interesting experience and thought provoking reading.

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