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Forrest Gump
(Winston Groom)

Forrest Gump is an American man with an IQ of 70. He lost his father as a baby and was raised single-handedly by his mother. When he went to school he was noticed to be a slow learner and was sent to a special school for spastic and retarded children, where he spent all his school years. As a young man, he was spotted by a high school football coach and went to high school so that he could play football. He became a tremendous success at the game because of his speed at running and his large build. He then went on to Harvard University to play football for the University. At Harvard, he was discovered to be an ?idiot savant? as he could solve complex mathematical problems and got an ?A? in a Physics course called ?Intermediate Light?. He also made friends at Harvard and learned to play the harmonica from a friend called Bubba. Unfortunately besides ?Intermediate Light? he failed all his other subjects and dropped out of Harvard.Forrest Gump was then drafted to fight in the war in Vietnam, where he performed bravely and was given a congressional medal by the President of U.S.A himself. Unfortunately he could not save his best friend Bubba, who died in the war. Recuperating from a bullet shot in the backside, he made another good friend Dan and learned to play ping pong. Forrest became so good at ping pong that he was invited to Beijing to play with the Chinese. In Beijing, he saved Chairman Mao from drowning and was given a parade. Back in the U.S.A, Forrest played his harmonica in a band with his high-school sweetheart Jenny. Jenny and Forrest went to an anti-war demonstration where Forrest threw his medal away and managed to hit a civil servant with it. Forrest was then arrested by the police, and put on a spaceship with a woman astronaut and an orang-utan by NASA. The spaceship crash-landed in Papua New Guinea, where the 3 crew members stayed with a cannibalistic tribe and planted cotton for them. Forrest learned to play chess from the chief of the tribe. Finally, just as they were about to be eaten by the cannibals, they were rescued by NASA. Forrest then met up with Dan and Jenny and earned a living as a professional wrestler, with the stage name of ?The Dunce?. Jenny was not happy with his wrestling and left him. Disheartened, he quit wrestling and went in search of Jenny. On the way, he was spotted by a chess champion and took part in a chess tournament where he won many games. On the way to the tournament he visited Hollywood and was invited to act as a ?Creature? with Raquel Welch, a famous Hollywood star. Eventually he went home to his mother and set up a shrimp business. His shrimp business grew extremely well and he invited his old friends to help him with the business. As his business expanded he became a respectable man in his community and was invited to run for Senator. Unfortunately his opponents dug up his past and he stood down. He then went to another town and learned to play the keyboard and drums in addition to his harmonica and became a famous one-man band playing in the streets. Finally he met Jenny and Jenny presented him with his son Forrest junior. The story of Forrest Gump shows that even idiots can become the best in what they do and become a success in the U.S.A. It is the story of the American Dream.

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